>>33828668Slow battles, animations, health and exp speed, bag navigation (partly due to no PC storage so the Item bag becomes cluttered)
Least original set of new Pokémon with 27% being prevos and new evos of old Pokémon
Too many HMs (remove rock climb and defog) Pretty sure I needed two HM slaves to progress at one point
Not enough snowy details around the map to reinforce the idea Sinnoh is a colder region than normal, so the new bundled-up character models look overdressed for most of the game (the only thing I prefer about DP over Platinum really)
Despite Platinum’s polish, they didn’t reorder the Gym leader profiles for the new badge order (Fantina is now the third badge obtained but is still the fifth badge slot in the case) Maybe its a nitpick but I have no idea how they missed that during testing.
The slowness is what kills it for me mainly. Even with animations off to try and speed things up, every Pokémon still does it’s intro animation. Waiting for health bars to slowly drain is not enjoyable in any way and god help you if your Pokémon or the enemy’s has a high HP stat. I really, really want to like Platinum due to the challenge and map design, but everything just feels like I’m cruising through a school zone.