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[66 / 7 / ?]

These Games are irrefutably unexciting

No.33841338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What has happened to /vp/?

It has come to my attention that there is a brigade of those content with Gamefreak and USUM going around telling other to be happy with what there getting.

It is absolute nonsense.

I'm sorry but I and others are not happy. We aren't hyped. We are disappointed.

-We don't want and Crystal, Emerald or Platinum.
-We want a B2W2 style game.
-We want The Battle Frontier.
-We want Gyms Back.
-We want less cutscenes.
-We want Post Game.
-We want strong Trainers to face against.
-We want more than 4 island with linear routes.
-We want less hand holding.
-We want an ABUNDANCE of new pokemon and alola forms.

I am sure I have left stuff out.

What has been exhibited as of the moment is underwhelming.

To anybody who complains at us who ask for more:

Keep your uninspiring, shit taste to yourself and stop shitting on people for wanting more than a milquetoast reskin. If it is enough for you then fine, I'm happy for you.

Just don't ask us to lower our standards.