>>33863423Yes, with the exception of Xurkitree.
Nihilego is the first ever Rock/Poison type and I like Pokemon with new type combonations.
Buzzwole and Pheromosa are stronger Heracrosses.
Kartana is a more offensive and faster Ferrothorn.
Celesteela is a more viable Skarmory with access to better offensive and support moves.
And I am a fan of Dark-type Pokemon and I like Guzzlord's design.
But as for Xurkitree, it has a pretty boring typing (pure Electric) even though it gets Grass-type moves for coverage. Even if it is a shitty defensive typing, I would have wanted an Electric/Grass mon for Xurkitree. There are way too many pure Electric-types in this game. Its design is also pretty meh; just a bunch of wires and lights.