>>33872542I saw this in sub and remember how sad it was and how valiant TR appeared. And it's such an unsung thing about TR apparently within the series.
I remember seeing the Butterfree leaving episode and not really caring, mainly because I don't care if things leave Ash. He's a non-character to me, so anything leaving him comes off to me as just a random thing migrating away from an empty space. He never really grows; he goes out the same way he came in recycling the same moments he had before. Everytime I see him it's the same Ash, and he is like the Ryu of Pokemon way too strongly concerned with being the very best, the best there ever was. To catch Pokemon is his one true test, and to train them is his cause. Pokemon. Gotta catch'em all. Pokemon.
But speaking of recycling, people say that the Dustox leaving was just a recycle of Butterfree, but I felt way more connected to that just because Jessie feels like a character and not a vehicle. Even if her and the rest of TR are offsprings of the Time Bokkan villain archetype.