>>33877306Trolling. When most people say Pokemon is the same they're talking about from a purely casual standpoint. inb4 Pokemon has always been casual. I mean in the sense that you pick a water or fire type starter, you beat up 8 people and a criminal organization before beating up the Pokemon president and then you stop playing. Which is the basic premise for all Pokemon games. Whenever you bring up something about the Special split or the Phys/ Spec split or weather or abilities or hold items or any of that shit it doesn't count. All that stuff is for autists who care too much about a children's game even though some Pokemon highly benefit or are hurt by such changes. Hello Gyarados and Sceptile. Because even if you don't know about those changes you can still beat the game. Because Pokemon is designed to be beaten by 8 year olds and never pretended to be anything else even if the core systems were designed so older players can appreciate them. Or be annoyed by them like with the loss of PSS.
I'm not sure how people would want Pokemon to change with this in mind. Whether they want Pokemon to be Fire Emblem or what. I guess I can say just ignore it. Or maybe get them to make a clear argument as to why it should be different. Or more different I guess would be more accurate.