You may be wondering about Cyrus of Team Galactic. He isn’t part of this new group for undisclosed reasons. However, the last time we heard from him, he was in the distortion world looking for Giratina (at least in one universe). Perhaps this is a precursor to a Diamond and Peal remake?
At some point in the game, you’ll have to battle all of these leaders. It’s almost like an elite four (or three) except that these leaders also use the legendary Pokémon that was used to control their region. You can battle any of the first four in any order followed by Giovanni at the end. But maybe there’s even more after him? They are as follows:
Maxie/Archie (US/UM)
1. Crobat
2. Mightyena
3. Weezing/Muk
4. Camerupt/Sharpedo (Mega)
5. Groudon/Kyogre (Primal)
1. Mienshao
2. Honchkrow
3. Pyroar
4. Gyrardos (Mega)
5. Xerneas/Yveltal (Z-Move)
1. Confagrigus
2. Seismitoad
3. Eelectross
4. Hydreigon
5. Kyurem (Black/White, Z-Move)
1. Nidoking
2. Nidoqueen (Z-move)
3. Honchkrow
4. Rhyperior
5. Kanghskahn
6. Mewtwo (Mega X/Y)