>>33920802It's a shame because there are a lot of good Pokemon there, it's just that a lot of them are really dumb and bad and a good chunk of them are blatant expies of Kanto Pokemon. For a generation that gets praised for having very little genwun pandering I feel like this aspect gets ignored way too often. Disregarding the intentional expies that show up in almost every Gen like the starters, rodents, birds, fossils, Pikaclone, pseudos, legendaries, and mythicals, you have:
>Roggenrola line = Geodude line>Woobat line = Zubat line>Audino = Chansey>Timburr line = Machop line>Tympole line = Poliwag line>Sawk and Throh = Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee>Sewaddle/Venipede lines = Caterpie/Weedle lines>Trubbish line = Grimer lineGen 5 isn't the only Gen that does this but it does it a lot more with Gen 1 Pokemon than the others. Even if you don't recognize it immediately your brain does.