>>33925687Well he played the game for days, so I'd trust him over someone from /vp/.
From what I've seen the game does seem to be overly focused on interacting with the enemies and adventure-esque puzzle-esque shit instead of obstacle platforming, the levels seem way too wide and flat and half the moons are seeing or more are "go here and touch the thing" or "go here and do the gimmick mini-game that doesn't involve platforming" like walking in a circle or playing in a band or literally fishing. I don't see how the platforming is still top notch at all, especially when you put it side to side to something like the tight density of Galaxy 2, or hell even 3D Land which was 100% obstacle platforming all the time.
Odyssey seems more like an adventure game with a bunch of puzzles and gimmicks than anything else at a glance. I'll play it eventually but I'm not crazy into what I'm seeing, the thought of 700+ moons to collect by itself makes me nauseous. Yes this is personal preference, but considering how Mario games have been over the course of the series it's entirely fair to expect a different thing entirely, and every review will involve personal preference anyway.