>>33932333My dad's has been an asshole to be all my life, so about a year and 2 months ago, he got married and moved in with his newly-acquired wife. Even so, his name was still on the lease of the apartment, but my sister and I were still living here. Her boyfriend soon moved in. Cool guy, too, but she's as much of an asshole as my dad is. Due to my dad's incompetence and neglect of the apartment (this has been going on for years, even when I was in middle school), he got demoted as the superintendent of the building we live in, and our apartment's rent went up as a result. His constant complains of aches and pains (yet he somehow got another woman pregnant) costed us months of back-rent in the apartment, and the landlord wasn't happy about that. 3 months ago, however, the landlord resigned, but a new one took over. His main objective was not keeping the building under maintenance and letting us keep our rent control (we've been living here for 25 years), but instead to kick everyone out, give them a buy-out plan, and renovate the apartments for more upper middle-class people to live in, while jacking up the rent. Ultimately, to "save" money, my dad decided, without our consent, to take the buy-out, so we only had a month to pack and shit, but it's not easy multitasking that and work, and my job doesn't pay me enough to where I can sustain a place of my own. I'll be in a hotel from Sunday night to Wednesday morning, and I have a few options for rooms to rent, but I want to take
>>33932357 's advice. Shit is extremely stressful, and I have been getting anxiety attacks. This is the main reason why I shiny hunt, to be honest. It's a form of escapism, but it's also a stress relief, besides alcohol.