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ITT: Improve Poor Abilities

No.33953103 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start:

>Now turns all moves that make contact into Knock Off, dealing damage and removing the target's item. Doesn't double damage, but does still steal the item if the user doesn't hold one (like the original ability).
Suddenly Shiftry becomes viable, especially in Doubles where it can slap off helpful items with moves like Fake Out

>Water Veil
>Now in addition to preventing Burns adds a +2 to your SpDef in rain (works like Swift Swim where you don't see the ability "activate")
Floatzel has a fighting chance. So do a few others now.

>Magma Armor
>Now in addition to preventing Freeze adds a .5x resist to Ice-type attacks
Not super helpful, but nice to have

>Flame Body
>Now adds a 30% chance to Burn on all contact moves made EITHER way, from target to user or user to target
Could potentially be busted with certain Pokemon, but I never got how this one didn't burn both ways