I'm hype!
>lol hype for a child's game with rehashed and minimal content what are you twelve
This looks fun
>are you kidding me new mini games new Pokémon a different story and other throwbacks look FUN to you?? You must be some special kind of retarded to enjoy this """"game""""
I like Pokémon
>lol what a fag
There is no point to these threads. All games get worse, stagnate, repeat things and take short cuts all the time as the series goes on, but true fans will buy, critique, and discuss the game almost infallibly. Repeatedly making these threads, samefagging and posting your opinion as board universal fact doesn't change other people's minds, doesn't change how people view the general consensus of new games, and is basically a total waste of our time. Congrats on wasting 20 seconds of my time writing this post too, but most of us are indeed hype, people would just rather ignore the countless anti-hype threads than try to compete with you with a hype thread, you cancerous legion on /vp/