>>33967341Being able to select a pokemon to have out with you that follows you around like in HG/SS (fish pokemon might not be feasible though)
Pokemon tower and lots of areas/islands/content after league.
Daily randomly generated(mildly) areas with different pokemon and trainers to battle maybe? Just a random thought really. It would be an okay endgame for casuals.
Hardmode with AI that doesn't just randomly use moves out of nowhere. _____ used helping hand in a 1v1 style match! Heres a free fucking turn for you!
Pokemon from all gens being available before league.
Less handholding and less linearity
The HM replacements in sun/moon should be there as well. Fuck needing an HM slave or even 2. Its always been terrible since gen 1.
Multiple continents/nations, at least an extra one. Main content in those zones will be appropriate scale (starting area 1-5 etc) but new optional areas/dungeons will be scaled to league levels and raise in level as you progress. I think that fixes the problem with second+ zones, people who want to start over and play through the zone with chosen newly hatched pokemon or the starters you get upon going there will be happy with being able to progress through a new zone will be happy and people who want to continue with their current team can do the dungeons.
enhanced character creation and customization of course.
This is all assuming they're going all out and not just porting a 3ds tier game to the switch with better resolution.
We all know this will be the case.