>>33987051Yeah just because you're correct doesn't mean you're smart. you replied to a bait/troll thread unironically and even "corrected" him. You want a pat on the back? A gold star? A goddamn diploma for knowing what's wrong and what's right? I've never seen someone so stupid in my life, and I've been on this godforsaken board for over 8 years. I saw "Your favorite is Scyther." I've seen "Implying owls are birds." I've been many a showderp threads and fights, even being champ from time to time. And you mean to tell me you are trying to negate your fucking idiocy for replying to a troll/bait thread because you are correct? Turn off that tripcode or pic related, faggot, because when someone sees you again, they'll be posting this and I know it.