I'm currently trying to reach the 50th battle in Super Singles. I've been to 49 with Truant Durant, Mimikyu and Moody Glalie. Now I want the 50th Ribbon on two pokémon that I usually use for online battles and Ribbon collecting. It's Timid Gengar + Adamant Alolan Marowak.
Poltergeist (Gengar)@Gengarite
Timid - 252 EV Speed / 252 EV SpA / 4 EV HP
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Fairy TM
- protect
Feuergeist(A-Marowak)@Thick Club
Adamant - 252EV Speed - 252EV Atk - 4EV HP
- Fire charge
- Shadow Bone
- Bonemerang
- Rock Slide
Is there a way to win with a third pokemon that covers Gengar and Marowak weaknesses ? Grimsley destroys me with Speed Boost Sharpedo spamming crunch, and Cynthia's scarfed Garchomp also moves before anyone leaving me with a guaranteed lost battle.
I've thought about using Focus Sash on Gengar and using a third Mega. I'm willing to breed anything that can ensure me a victory. I'm tempted to use Mega Gyarados as a A-Marowak switch since they pretty much complete each other, but I will need to predict the AI and I'm not very good at this. I'm tempted by Mega Salamence or Z-Move Salamence as well.
Any help, please ?