Normal games:
Get ready to spend $80 for an incomplete game! Want DLC so your game is actually complete? Better have another $40 upfront for the seasons pass or you could be spending another $60-80 for the full game and all the weapons/skins/content and what have you as they come out!
Here's the full game for $50 dollars, trade and battle online without subscription and here, have some free giveaways of the literal legends of our universe.
Next year, we're doing a special edition game for another $50 dollars. It will have some new content, alternate story, new characters, new Pokemon. If you don't think it's got enough new content, no worries! You don't have to buy it, and can still battle and trade online with last year's game.
How much my husband had to spend this year on his new game with all the content: $120 for game and seasons pass for the DLC.
How much I have to spend this year on my new game with all the content: $57 (this is the cost of Pokémon bank and Ultra Sun combined)
If you're not excited for Usum, more power to you and save your money and don't buy it. But please stop telling me I'm wasting my money when I actually like these games and out more hours into Pokémon then my husband will for literally any of his games that cost over twice as much as mine. (Not mad at my husband or anything for his games. Just saying for me personally Pokémon is not the biggest or worst cash grab of games in my home)