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[57 / 7 / ?]

Best New Mon Appreciation Thread!!

No.34071353 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everyone is hating on what is literally the best ne w min we've had in a while. Why? What has cause /vp/ to have such literal shit taste? Is it all the underaged faggots? The fake leaks got you grumpy? I, for one, love it. Can't wait to use it in my playthrough as soon as PkHex is updated.

>inb4 furry related comments, either in regards to me, or in regards to best mon
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck off with this forced meme. I'd buy "Edgy", but furry, furbait, don't be ridiculous. "Oh, it's cool, so I have to meme at it to get people to hate it", like what are you, 5? Go back to /v/ if you wanna call this epic badass a furry piece of shit. You clearly belong there if you have that bad a case of shit taste.