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Future generations

No.34072320 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I mean, ever since gen 3 we have had some kind of obvious trio master or related member to each specific generation’s mascot legendaries. And moving forward from RSE all of these 3rd version mascot legendaries have all had some kind of alternate or stronger forme. For a time, it was somewhat refreshing that Rayquaza initially did not have any kind of forme change (though mega fuq is neat). Moving forward it always seems to be the case that all supposed 3rd version mascot legendaries are incomplete and “always” will have a stronger forme, this is and will eventually get very tiresome desu.

Just a few things:

>Giratina was done okay and it makes sense that it must hold onto its Griseous Orb to maintain its Original forme outside of its own dimension.

>Kyurem was done (in my opinion) well in terms of actually getting to keep its 2 new formes. Just a shame that the Original Dragon is still not known

>Zygarde unlike its previous “counterparts” is simply a wasted opportunity and poorly done gimmick. Running around to find 100 cells and then not get to keep the Perfect form is just dreadful.

>Necrozma as I have understood is getting a forme change by using its specific Z-move, at least it and Rayquaza’s forme changes are controlled by the player unlike Zygarde.

Continuing with the incomplete 3rd version legendaries will eventually become too predictable? Game Freak might want to spice things up just as Masuda mentioned back in gen 5 that they felt they were getting too predictable and made B2W2 instead of “Grey”.

What does /vp think?