Quoted By:
>Fire: Volcarona
>Grass: Roserade and Lurantis
>Water: Golisopod or Empoleon
>Bug: Araquanid
>Dark: Guzzlord
>Dragon: Kommo-o or Tyrantrum
>Ground: Pallosand or Nidoking
>Ice: Alolan Sandslash
>Electric: Vikavolt or Tapu Koko
>Fairy: Mimikyu or Shiinotic
>Fighting: Marshadow, M-Lop, Buzzwole
>Normal: Silvally
>Poison: Toxapex and Naganadel
>Psychic: Metagross
>Flying: Staraptor
>Ghost: Lunala
>Rock: Nihilego and T-tar
>Steel: Kartana and Celesteela
It's pretty unhealthy with just how many Gen 7 mons are here.....meh, probably gonna change after 8th Gen rolls in.