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/Shuffle/ General - Events Outta Nowhere Edition

No.34159903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last Thread: >>34106878

New Events for this week: (All events except Necrozma, Lunala, Rayquaza Challenge and Pokemon Safari are one week only)
>Necrozma Ultra Challenge (2 Hearts)
>Lunala Ultra Challenge (2 Hearts, PSB)
>Daily Pokemon #6 (Coins)
>Rowlet (PSB)
>Pokemon Safari #16 (Alolan Dugtrio, Exp. Boosters. Begins on Friday)
>Rayquaza Level MAX Challenge (PSB and Exp. Enchancements. Remember use Skill Swapper to Shot Out if you haven't)
>Rayquaza Giveaway (Mobile Only)
>Mid-Month Lottery

Old Events from last week:
>Solgaleo Ultra Challenge (2 Hearts, PSB)
>Arceus Ultra Challenge (500 Coins, PSB)
>Cosmog Once a Day (EBM with first one guaranteed)

What to Grind?
>Rayquaza (Shot Out) with the Level MAX Challenge (completing the challenge gives 120 PSBs)
>Rowlet (Unity Power) if you want some spicy memes :^)

Safari Rates
>Alolan Dugtrio is the rare one at 3.33%

Upcoming Events:
>Go ask GS obligatory Mega Pinsir never :^)

Chinese Wiki:宝可消消乐/

Current Events and their layouts so you don't get meme'd:

Compilation of useful links:

Archive for previous /Shuffle/ threads (Ignore the fake ones from the porn raid):

Guide to clear and S-Rank stages (Only up to Stage 500):

Up-to-date list of Skills:

A really in-depth breakdown on things related to AP and EXP (Will overwhelm those who don't like statistics)!1272592&ithint=file%2cxlsx&app=Excel&authkey=!AF7v8FrF3NJLFJY

For any one who are playing >Mobile and looking for Friends, state your Region since Friend Codes are Region specific

ToTT: Did anyone get meme'd by GS due to the Rayquaza Challenge?