> Pokemon needs to change things up and try new things, people are tired of the same old thing, they just push the same game for 20 years!
> Pokemon needs to stop with the gimmicks, it's okay to just do the same as usual, no one wants something new, it's not about Z-moves and ultra beasts and all this stuff!
You can't please everybody. A good amount of the playerbase likes new things, because the series was stale after 20 years of the same rehashed plot with a new coat of paint - and when they did try something new with BW and BW2, it got a bad reception.
Z-moves have a long animation, but being usable by all Pokemon make even weaker Pokemon more viable - yes, even when applying to PVE. Not everyone is competitive, and the game is aimed at everyone.
And Megas give old favorites a new change.
Is everything perfect and everything gamefreak does should be worshipped? Hell no. A lot needs to improve. Skipping cutscenes, and Z-move animations - balancing, working on a better story - but if you guys complain of USUM being the same game as SM, how do you miss the mindlessly linearity of literally every single other game? They were cookie cutters with features sprinkled on top, as much as they might be good.
I'll take trying new things any day.