>>34168147I'm not that anon, but I can grant you some legitimate criticism regarding the fifth generation without complaining about visuals.
Firstly, I will begin with the Pokemon it introduced. I more than often see Gen 5 campaigners delving themselves into a mystic trance of pleasure when they admire the sheer amount of Pokemon that it had introduced. However, they fail to realize that this appeal is degraded against severely when you take into consideration that they exist independently within the first titles of Gen 5. As opposed to allowing you more options of gameplay, it restricts you to this new set of Pokemon, which makes the replayability of the first generation five games comparable to generation one in that aspect.
Another weapon that gen 5 deploys against replayability is the expansion of the story. The story, just like the new Pokemon, has a temporary appeal. You know how the story goes just as you know what the new Pokemon are, and that story just emerges as a barrier the more you play the games. Useless brackets that halt you is what they solidify as.
Another undesirable element is the difficulty of these games in comparison to other titles. It is far more clustered rather than universal, is it not? Ghetsis is difficult, and maybe the champion battles, but the villain and the champion being like this isn't exclusive to the generation. But unlike other generations, the gym leaders and lower staff of the evil teams are like tissue paper in comparison to games preceding gen 5. Plasma didn't even have any executives rather than the leader, just grunts scrambling everywhere (besides the seven sages and shadow triad, in which you never battle). The difficulty issue was really made worse in B2/W2 as the challenges remained as about the same level of difficulty while your options as a trainer expanded into further strength.
There are many positives to B2/W2, but using these positives as an excuse to deem gen 5 the greatest generation is unjust.