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Let's Play a Game, /vp/!

No.34169931 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Go to and generate six Pokemon. Now use them to create a new Pokemon following the rules below.

Take the HP stat from the first Pokemon, Attack from the second, Defense from the third, Sp. Attack from the fourth, Sp. Defense from the fifth and Speed from the sixth.

Primary type: First Pokemon's (primary) type
Secondary type: Second Pokemon's (primary) type

First Ability: Third Pokemon's (first) Ability
Second Ability: Fourth Pokemon's (first) Ability
Hidden Ability: Fifth Pokemon's (first) Ability

>Bonus: Potential Mega Evolution
If the sixth Pokemon is a Mega Evolution or capable of Mega Evolving, your Pokemon will also get a Mega Evolution in Gen VIII. Otherwise it will have to deal with what you got.
The Mega Evolution's stat boosts and ability change are based on the changes in Stats/Ability from the Mega Evolution (for example, if you rolled Alakazam, your Mega Evolution would have +20 Def, +40 SpAtk, +10 SpDef, and +30 Speed, and its ability would be Trace).

>pic related
>Limber or Delta Stream (Mega Launcher)
>no Mega Evolution

I mean, tossing base 180 Mega Launcher Aura Spheres is nice, but do I live to launch the attack?