[36 / 3 / ?]
>making series story focused >minutes long cutscenes every step you take >instead of progressing and using new tech to make game less linear, the games are actually MORE linear then ever >series is finally 3d but but the ugly 3d models makes me regret ever wanting a 3d mainline pokemon >cringe concepts like mega, fairies, z-move, fusion legendaries, and some sonic 06/final fantasy looking shit legendary >rehashing fusion legendaries but this time theyre even uglier >so many fucking legendaries now holy shit >deliberately designing "pokemon" that intentionally dont look like pokemon and acting like thats ok >the most important pokemon (starters) have mostly been ugly from basic thru stage 2 for 3 gens in a row >hiring gaijin to design pokemon >ice cream, gears, snowflakes, chandeliers, swords, key chains, hula necklaces, sand castles, anchors, and literal fucking garbage are now considered acceptable designs >pokemon based on old pokemon (pikachu/mimikku, arceus/silvadi) thats how far up their ass and selfindulgant gamefreak has become >put a mask on the arceus clone and call it a different pokemon >npcs are just waifubait >even pokemon are mostly waifubait now >overpowered legendaries, ubs, and megas >no stealth rock nerf >megas and exclusive z moves either went to powerful pokemon that didnt need or shit no one cares about like glalie >no fossils WHAT THE FUCK (Post too big, continuing in reply)
>>34221153 >legendaries now evolve >midgen pokemon >1 is unevolved and obtained at the end, 2 are version exclusive and post-game, and the only 1 that looks like an actual pokemon is event only and boring electric type so whats the fucking point >recoloring classic pokemon and advertising them as new feature >instead of expanding on an idea a few people somewhat like (alolan forms) they expand on an idea no one likes (ubs) >still only able to have 4 moves >remove features every one loves like following pokemon >stupid shit like photos but nah lets not take advantage of this opportunity to make a new pokemon snap or snap-like minigame. Cant have things people actually want! Seriously Nintendo needs to boot gamefreak off the series and give Pokemon Switch to the Mario/Zelda team, or maybe even a Pokemon equivalent of Sonic Mania team (fan developers that save the franchise from the retards in charge).
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A lot of that is opinion, and mostly: > Nintendo doesn't own the majority of Pokemon, GameFreak does
This board isn’t your blog, frogfag.
>>34221153 Pic related is why
Concepts like Mega Evolution and Z-Moves and characters like Lillie have raked in tons of money from merchandising
because money Pokemon makes more money than any other franchise could ever even DREAM of making
Wow, blogging AND bait all at once!
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>4-chan sad lizard.jpg
Because Pokemon makes more money than fucking Star Wars Mario is the winner in game sales, but overall, Pokemon is Nintendo's biggest cash cow
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>>34221153 Because they keep bringing in a shitload of money with minimal investments.
Nintendo would have to be insane to get rid of them, unfortunately.
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Even if they let another developer make a Pokemon game instead of Game Freak, you'll still bitch about it
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I like 3ds models. Fuck you
>>34221203 and belongs to hopebiscuit
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>>34221153 Hmm I wonder. Might it be because Pokemon still makes a ton of money and Nintendo is a business that doesn't care about the actual quality of the game as long as it brings in money?
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>>34221359 the owner of pokemon
and fnaf, undertale and bendy too Anonymous
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>>34221236 >Mario is the winner in game sales And even that's thanks to a ~15 year head start, countless bundles, and more spinoffs.
How many times have we had this thread?
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>>34221583 'til hell freezes over
>>34221153 You forgot getting rid of gyms, HMs (for immersion), and how you now have to pay for the National Pokedex. But other then that 100% agreed bro and Japanese agrees with us too. Remember that advertising is illegal and report all gf cocksucking racist kyorge schills on this forum.
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Nintendo can't fire who they don't employee
>>34221665 HMs sucked ass and nobody should want them back.
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>>34221153 Three answers:
1. Nintendo doesn't own Pokémon, or at least not enough to have that kind of power.
2. Like it or not Pokémon makes a shitload of money, if not broken why fix it.
3. Dumb frogposter
>>34222169 >finally remove HMs >SOMEHOW make a new system that’s even worse how
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>>34222371 Page Riders are inherently better by not using up your Pokemon's movesets.
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Because nintendo has not enough power lol
>>34222371 >SOMEHOW make a new system that’s even worse How is the page rider worse? Honestly it's the best damn feature in an otherwise horrible game ruined by the pacing of it's crap story that's only worth playing once. The fact that you can just summon what you need on the fly and it's more about obtaining the option to use them over having to waste your limited 4 move slots and 6 mon just to explore a small extra path that held one item of interest is such a wonderful change I KNOW they aren't going to do it in any other game.
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>>34222546 Hitboxes and ugly clothes.
>>34221153 >it's a stealth genwar thread Anonymous
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>>34221153 Its the Japanese Honor Code. They will never lay down GF unless they do something really shameful for N. And they give too much credit to the old ones and old things, probably think older people are wiser or something.
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>>34222677 >AND frogposting Anonymous
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>>34221153 >>34221161 I mean I agree with all of this but see
>>34221186 they make millions I don't see why they'd stop doing things the way the do
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>>34221153 >How has Nintendo not fired yet gamefreak? Because they sell well. Is that really so hard to figure out?