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/vp/ Giveaway: Baaaaalls Edition

No.34245087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/, do you like balls? I bet you do. Well, today you're in luck! I'm giving away 5 of each Apricorn ball!
B-but anon, how do I get one of your balls? That's easy!
>catch a Psyduck between levels 11-20
>name it VeePee (yes, with that capitalization)
>offer it on GTS looking for a a level 70-80 female Yungoos
>Post your in-game name, desired ball and the gender of your duck
Remember: don't be greedy! There's a limited supply of balls so, if other anons are asking for a certain type, don't double dip! The goal is for everyone to get their hands on balls!
Having to use my phone to post this, so don't expect a quick answer. I'll do my best to get all requests, please be patient.