>>34258331Not only is Reborn edgy as fuck and tries way too hard with it's whole dark plot from the first minute, it also panders to tumblrites a little too much. "Neither" as gender option and a genderfluid gym-leader, seriously? Edgy plot is actually okay imo, but Reborn does it badly.
The Field-Effects were almost okay, but it would've been better if they all had effects on the same scale as the ones from the original games (like grass-field or misty field) and then maybe integrated with TMs or abilities, but that'd be too much to ask I guess.
Level-Cap should just have a soft-cap that lowers the exp a Pokemon over a certain level receives until it hits a hard-cap five levels later. You hit the soft-cap and fight the Gym-Leader and if you are frustrated you can squeeze out a few more levels instead of being annoyed when your Pokemon gains a level during the Gym-Battle and disobeys. There's a difference in creating difficulty by trying to keep the player at a lower level and being annoying by actively punishing the player for leveling or doing optional stuff. The common candy is a shitty band-aid for this issue and doesn't make it any less annoying.
Game is also not as hard as people say it is, it's just mildly annoying at times with it's "features". Too much story through dialogue, level-cap is implemented badly, le tumblr and the villain team is a mess between grunts spouting shitty memes and then in the next minute trying to be edgy fucks. The great and varied color palette (or the lack thereof) during the first hours of this game also makes me want to gouge my eyes out, it's one thing to create an edgy looking place but it's another to make it mostly grey and boring.
The only characters I kinda like are Radomus with his whole hat/costume-schtick and Hardy for not being a mentally ill faggot.