Heres some decent ideas that wouldn't be possible earlier: Scizor
Curse Arcanine(with a Z-Crystal it can switch into a Knock Off for a Justified boost)
Curse Porygon 2 w/Evolite(mixed set would be viable)
Curse Gliscor
Curse Entei(no recovery though)
Curse Ho-Oh
Curse Lugia(but since Aeroblast is special, it might be better off with Calm Mind) Cannon M-Blastoise
Zap Cannon Raichu
Zap Cannon Raikou
Zap Cannon Jolteon
Zap Cannon Mismagius
Zap Cannon Alakazam
Zap Cannon Espeon
Zap Cannon Slowbro & Slowking
Zap Cannon Gengar
Zap Cannon Starmie
Zap Cannon Togekiss(only compatable with Super Luck, but is a non-issue since it's gurenteed parayasis anyway)
>>34283765Miles better than Pressure as it hates Stealth Rock. This isn't new though as Regenerator was available for it from the Dream Radar app during Gen 5.