>>34293887The formula of shitting out a 3rd verion with minimal changes has overstayed its welcome. The games have equally if not more content than other 3rd version iterations, but in a world of DLC games like this are completely unnecessary. The amount of new content in the game should have been a 19.99 DLC for the original games.
Don't get me wrong, I had fun with the games but I completely understand why people are critical of this installment. It comes off as a lazy cash-grab where they literally had to spoil all the games new content as a meas to build hype....oh and coupled with the fact that these are the last games on the handheld they should have given the games a much better send off other than linear post game quests. Firstly there most definitely should have been a COMPLETE national dex, even more pokemon variety in the region and minor homages to the other game sprinkled throughout.....at a minimum.