>>34295049>>34295104>Flying types:OU: Celesteela, Char-Y, Dragonite, Hawlucha, Lando-T, M-Pinsir, Pelliper, Skarm, Zapdos
Subtotal: 9
BL: Gyarados, Salamence, Staraptor, Thundurus, Thundurus-T, Tornadus-T
Total: 15
>Fairy typesOU: Clefable, M-Diancie, Magearna, M-Mawile, Mimikyu, Ninetales-A, Tapus (4)
Subtotal: 10
BL: M-Gardy
Total: 11
>Ground typesOU: Excadrill, Garchomp, M-Garchomp, Lando-T, M-Swampert, Zygarde
Sub-total: 6
BL: Diggersby tho
Total: 7
>Steel typesOU: Bisharp, Celesteela, Excadrill, Ferrothorn, Heatran, Kartana, Magearna, M-Mawile, Skarm
Subtotal: 9
BL: Jirachi
Total: 10
Can't be bothered to keep going but there are 8 Water-types in OU (Both Greninjas counted separately) plus 3 in BL (both Gyarados forms and M-Slowbro)