>>34296491What are all those cards?
Oh, those? Each little card is a storage device, they can hold a huge amount of information. All the data in the world could fit on one bookshelf! But the machine used to read them is broken, so they're not much use now...
That power plant poster...
You noticed that poster, did you? I found it buried in the rubble and decided to put it up. The people from my grandparents' generation burned most of them, so they're hard to find! Whenever I brought up the power plant, it seemed like the adults didn't want to hear about it, but I like that poster. It's cheerful.
I found a faded sign...
Apparently, that sign is from an older era than the rest of the rubble around here. It's a bit sad I can't read all of it, but it's just so rusted... It must have been placed in an area that was rough on metal or something.
What do Guzzlord eat?
They'll eat anything they find, like rubble, waste, whatever. They have a huge appetite, so we couldn't take them to the other planets... Oh! Please, don't mess too much with Mr. Glutton's food out back.
No, I'm good
Oh, come again anytime!
Text File : 1074
A pipe on the big machine has burst, and clean water is pouring out.
Zzzzzt! Thizzz place is completely wrecked! What in the world happened here?
There's too much rubble in the way. You won't be able to pass through here.
Cards labeled "Relocation Notice" are scattered all over the place.
A poster for an apparel shop is stuck sideways. "Every day is a summer sale! Amazing fashion has never been more affordable!"
A poster for the power plant is stuck sideways. "Safe and secure! Let our power light up your lives!"
...oli... ...ity Ha... "Servi... ... ...ity's... ...need..."
The letters were too faded to read clearly.
Blue sea and blue sky! Ahead is the beachfront area!
The screen is playing static-filled messages over and over.
There's a pile of Guzzlord's leftovers! It's metal scrap, mixed up with dirt and cement.