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No.34296601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just finished watching the movie and I need to vent.

Pokémon has been a part of my life ever since I was born. I watched the anime, played the games, played the tcg, collected merch and everything inbetween.

Even after 20 years, Pokémon still makes me feel stuff I wouldn't feel without it. It inspires me, it makes me meet new people and it is just such a wonderful franchise full of mystery and wonder.

I just want to say I really really love Pokémon and I hope it can continue to be a part of my life many years to come and if Pokémon would bring anyone of you half as much joy as it has brought me, I would be very happy.

ITT, let's talk about our happy memories of Pokémon. When I was a teen and Diamond and Pearl came out, me and my big brother would stay up and sneak over to eachothers rooms and play together and do night-based events such as catching Rotom.
Another very fond memory was of me being at an amusement park during pokémania trying to win one of those giant Pokémon plushes at a lottery, can't have been any older than like 6 years or so. I was trying to get one of the really cool big ones, like Venusaur or Charizard, but I blew all my money with no success and I was really sad and on the verge of crying. Then my grandmother who was with me had managed to win this cute little Eevee plushie and gave it to me. I was so happy I cried.

Take it from here /vp/, I want to hear your stories.