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You'll basically want to use HP for the 4x damage (since neutral STABs are stronger than 2x weak to HP), so it's a matter of who are the biggest threats for you, depending on the meta you play.
On one side, Fire hits Ferrothorn, A-Sandslash, Scizor, Escavalier, Durant, Genesect (all of them are hit neutrally with STAB).
Abomasnow and Kartana both probably die to Bug Buzz anyway, so whatever. Maybe even some of the others too.
On the other, Ice wrecks Landorus, Gliscor, Garchomp, Flygon, Zygarde, Dragonite, Salamence, Rayquaza, etc (the Ground/Flying laugh at your STABs, btw).
Yeah... unless you're playing on a meta that bans basically all of the latter, go with Ice.