>>34322457i was working on an autistic South Kalos game that i abandoned because i'm literally the "idea guy" who can't code so here you go.
The story took place in Southern Kalos after XY.
Evil team is named "EARTH Agency" and work for the protection of Kalos ecosystem. They actually are Flare grunts remnants picked up by the government after Team Flare's fall (mainly scientists). The government buildt EARTH Agency to find ways to protect Kalos ecosystem and treating the waste.
flare's remnants were either brought in the agency for their science, money or to work because of what they did during XY events.
What looked like Ultra Beasts appeared in Kalos threatening the ecosystem.
These "UBs" are different than the Alola ones as they all have parasitic abilities which they use to control Zygarde cells.
such creatures were actually a scientific failure : The new UBs were actually microscopic bacteria-sized pokemon which sized were immensely enhanced by scientists to use them as wastes cleaner by controling Zygarde cells and making zygarde a "controlable" entity which coul be active every time.
It is revealed that Xerosic was the one leading the experiments on microscopic pokemons and intentionally "failed" to use the organisms to build a pure world where he could control Zygarde and make balance.
some Earth Agency crunts become "neo flare" at this moment (see pic related)