>>34347861I was there, and let me fucking tell you, Chris-chan was not a welcome guest. Watching this individual walk through crowded isles and everyone fleeing before him/her/etc like frightened animals, instinctively sensing the crazy pouring off and leaving a snail trail of panic behind, was honestly one of the most surreal things I've ever witnessed.
I was working a booth there (the pay was too good to turn down, primarily because no one would ever go back), and the moment this crazy fuck met my eyes, I swear to god the hair on the back of my neck stood up and my lizard brain just screamed "RUN".
Conciously, I'm aware that we had a brief conversation relating to the product I was selling, a few questions, nothing weird. But no matter how hard I try, I can recall nothing except the smell of body odor and a vague sense of panic. It actually feels like my memory is trying to block a traumatic event. I just gripped the table and fought through, until eventually, it left, clearing a 5-foot radius of people through the entire crowd as xhe went, furfags pushing and crowding to get away, even if they hadn't seen the oppresor, as if they could just feel the danger approaching.
And I didn't even know it was him at the time. I found out months later and had fucking flashbacks to the minute of exposure I'd had.
BronyCon is a hive of depravity and disgust, but Chris-chan was the most horrible among them. I'm never working there again, and he's the sole reason why. I can put up with furfags. I can tolerate bronies. But that? That was too god damn much.