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Team is a luddite archaic revival cult who worship ancient Pokemon and intend to summon a goddess Pokemon that will turn all humans into Pokemon, and return everything to nature. The boss wears an eloraborate ceremonial tunic and veil and their identity would be a surprise reveal in the end. Their team is Mega-Claydol, Bronzong, Forretress, Starmie, Crygonal and a new Poison/Psychic form of Salazzle.
The toughest admin is thin, athletic and mean and styles himself like a sinister jester. His team is a new Poison/Fairy form of Mr. Mime, Houndoom, and a new Ghost/Fighting dogmon. His inferior is short, tough and earnest, dresses like a monk with some clownish elements. He has Machoke, Duosion and Golduck initially, and later Machamp, Reuniclus and Mega-Golduck. One senior admin is a kooky ol hag who does not try to stop the player and will offer cryptic wisdom and sell her weird herbs and charms and also turns out to be part of the Elite Four. Her team there is Purugly, Mismagius, Lunatone, Starmie, a new Ground type gnome, and a new Water/Fairy angelic Jellicent.
The grunts wear gay rustic magician outfits with different Pokemon masks. They commonly use Haunter, Misdreavus, Houndour, Boltoy, Staryu, Pineco, Duosion, Poison/Water Ekans, and a new spidermon Their home base is a grimy tent town surrounding an abandoned old shrine that the cult boss is squatting in. You also fight them at a casino where they steal a rare prizemon (Psychic/Poison Salandit, which evolves regardless of gender), a museum they're raiding for sacred artifacts, a knock-out style Pokemon League Qualifying Pretourney they sabotage for fun, the power plant they try to shut down, and at a Halloween-like carnival held at a mountain ruins site. They're also wandering pretty much everywhere, but have the unique distinction of not triggering a battle when seen on a route or in town until spoken to directly, though their teams are harder than most trainers. You can get their masks too.