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No.34369528 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>there are people who browse /vp/ that genuinely believe gen 1 or 2 are the best games
take off the nostalgia visor and realize they're broken outdated garbage. Gen 1 barely works, not to mention all the issues with it, I could post the giant infographic, but I wont. Hg ss is better than gen 2 in every way so there's no excuse for saying its' your favorite.
>b-but muh original 150
Yeah including a magnet and a pile of LITERAL SHIT, (these are the same people that LMAO at trubbish btw) The mental gymnastics these genwunner mongs go through is unbelievable, it's impossible to have a decent conversation before they say something that makes literally NO SENSE except in their little basement vacuum.