There seems to continuous confusion and sometimes anger about two 'issues' that anons have with the way that I rate their favorites, and the way I organize my favorites. I hope that by typing this preamble I'll dispel them, however I realize that this might end up having the opposite effect. So, in short this is more for me than you.
The two disclaimers are:
1. There is no logical reason why a single Pokémon cannot occupy more than one space on a favorites list. I understand some people enjoy the challenge of each space on a list being unique, but as a matter of fact it is incorrect to arbitrarily disqualify a favorite from more than one category. In my case Sandile, a Ground and Dark Type Pokémon, is my second favorite overall. Therefore, it would be incorrect to not have it be both my favorite Ground Type as well as my favorite Dark Type Pokémon.
This point is undebatable, and to make it as clear as possible; no argument makes any sense against doing it the way I do. But please, tell me about why you think there shouldn't be any duplicates on my lists; I get a kick out of it.
2. There are no Pokémon that I actively dislike, so the way that I rate others cannot be determined by whether or not I enjoy the Pokémon (becasue everyone would get a perfect score.)
Therefore, I rate people based on how many Pokémon out of their total match my favorites list. This usually results in a horribly low average score, which makes people think I'm mean. I'm not. I'm just rating you based on how many of your Pokémon match my (currently) 147 favorites.
TLDR: Don't tell me not to have duplicate Pokémon, and don't ask me why your score is so low.
With that out of the way: