>>34480846>NoivernYou're looking at it from the perspective of Noivern and not Noibat. Noibat is hardly draconic, but also not a living cloud so it can't be pure Flying. So Noibat is "more Flying than Dragon" and Noivern doesn't matter, similar to Parasect being Bug/Grass despite the Pokedex repeatedly saying that the fungus is in control and the bug is merely a vessel.
>AzurillAzurill can't swim yet so it's not Water. It didn't have a secondary typing when it was created and there's no reason to making it pure Fairy when it could just be part Fairy like its evos.
>BibarelBibarel, Diggersby, and Alolan Rattata/Raticate are part Normal for meta reasons: they're the recurring 2-stage Route 1 mammal. It also lets Raticate keep its STAB on its old signature move Hyper Fang. If you want an in-universe explanation, I'd say its referring to their versatility.
>Deerling/SawsbuckIts an animal with plants growing on it in a mutual relationship, rather than a plant/animal hybrid like many others.
>Stufful/BewearA true Fighting-type is powerful, trains, and knows its strength. Stufful and Bewear are powerful without training and don't realize how strong they are.
>OranguruIt's an ape that's very smart. Put it side by side with pure Psychics and it sticks out as the most normal looking of the bunch.
>DrampaJust referencing its chimeric traits, I suppose. Mammalian/old man = Normal, flying serpent = Dragon.
>Litleo/Pyroar and Helioptile/HelioliskOut-of-universe: Normal lost several Pokemon so they made it gain enough to have a total loss of 0 in XY. Also they seemed to predict Aegislash being powerful (see: Steel losing its Ghost and Dark resistances) and these are the only Pokemon that resist both of its STABs.
In-universe: I guess in the case of Litleo it's because the Fire aspect is fairly subdued (just the little tuft of super hot hair). Also vaguely sound-themed = part Normal (Jigglypuff, Meloetta).
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