>>34525421>>You actually think Gamefreak is going to buff any other pokemon, let alone garchomp, on the same level of how they buffed charizard?Anon I....
No, that isn't what I meant in the slightest, I meant a new Z Move or even just GF straight up giving it DD. Did my earlier post require too much reading comprehension for you? I'll try to make sure you keep up from now on.
>check the links you posted>>"Garchomp is one of the most versatile and unpredictable Pokemon that Battle Spot Singles has to offer.">>"It has just enough Speed to outpace most of the metagame and very high base Attack.">>"garchomp has played the exact same way since its fucking debut in gen 4"Yeah, probably because it's the best at what it does. You getting mad about Chomp being ran optimally is like me getting mad that a special attacker uses Thunderbolt instead of Shock Wave.
Strong Jaws Chomp would be a silly gimmick that's shittier than it's current set since all biting moves sans Poison Fang have 95% accuracy and EQ/Rockslide/Outrage has near if not perfect coverage.
If we're really getting into personal opinions, Mega Chomp shouldn't even exist since the whole philosophy of Mega Evolution was giving shitmons a chance to be viable, and yet peudos who ran the meta got Megas which also ran the Meta. If anything, regular Garchomp and Mega Garchomp should have their speed stats swapped, but that's for another thread.