>>34546237>Also the man with the Dartrix is dead, in the game you deliver the Dartrix to his young grandkid, so be mindful of that tooCorrect me if wrong, but didn't I say
>A trainer with a Rowlet/Dartrix.Meaning I wasn't referring to them. Sure they could possibly pop up too, but what exactly are the chances.
Oh, and as far as the Tigrudo thing goes. Yes that is me speaking from my ass. But when you really think about it. Unlike all the other random theories generated from /vp/ this one is the most likely. I mean really. They made a pokemon biased off a type of wrestler, and made a wrestling arena. A incineroar is at least going to appear in the battle royal, it being Tigrudo is just a stretch in my part. And you do know the saying third times the charm.