>>345729001/6 for jumpluff. not a fan of grass types.
>>345729322/5 Drapion and Crobat are nice ariados is shit and femlizard makes me cringe. The other thing is ugly too.
>>345744315/6 interseting comp. Floatzel is so forgettable and lame tho.
>>345755924/6 Mawile and honchkrow seem odd here
>>345762160/6 just not feeling this team at all.
>>345772411/6 zangoose is okay. Other than that pretty bad
>>34577853 6/6 I like all moms but the dont completely gel.
>>34577952Nice theme. Seems like an actual in game trainer 6/6
>>345781575/6 too many kingdras in this thread. Decent team though although Flygon almost doesnt fit.
>>345788015/6 nice aquatic team but I will always hate sharpedo. How did they fuck up a simple shark design so badly? It would be okay if they didnt just take a passable shark design and just chop it in half. Why? And the way it bounces around on its belly fin in the emerald sprite eughh fuck that thing. Its like watching a man with nothing below the knees try and dance ita just sad.
Pic related is my platinum team. Just beat the elite four and am kind of bored and dont feel like doing the battle island again. I know it has >TWO STARTERS but theyre from previous hgss runs and in finally getting around to using them. Extremespeed dnite as well. And a random Aggron with headsmash I've been wanting to use forever. They all get extra xp except for scyther and zam so I'm overleveled. Especially so because the ones from hg are from a jap cartridge.
So they get 1.7 xp. Not sure how to proceed.