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[40 / 5 / ?]

No.34573982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>using this thing in BW2
>get a modest one
>doesn't learn a special grass move until level 16
>It's fucking leaf tornado
>Oshawott gets Razor Shell at 17
>Tepig gets flame charge at 15
>Leaf tornado has a 10% chance of missing
>65 base power... sometimes
>literally naturally learns NO attacking moves that aren't normal or grass
>beginning of BW2 is nothing but bug, poison, grass and flying types
>Useless against Roxie and Burgh, Elesa, too
>Mega drain at level 24
>It's 40 base power here
>Can't even function as a good tank
>the only not grass or normal attacking TM it can learn is Aerial Ace
What the fuck? Did they actually want people to use this thing in its debut game or not?