Slaking gets every move it could possibly want to deal with steel.
>Earthquake>Superpower>Fire/thunderpunch (tpunch for those pesky bamboos)>Fire blast ain't bad eitherHalf of this covers rock as well, the single rock type you have to worry about I might add.
Then you have to contend with the fact slaking has bulk, so the steel you switch in often wont be able to do anything to it regardless. Then it also has access to taunt and recovery so stalling it is a risky play, not that much can do that. To demonstrate said bulk, here's a steel type with superpower trying to kill slaking;
252+ Atk Scizor-Mega Superpower vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Slaking: 320-378 (72.5 - 85.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
It doesn't even secure a bullet punch kill afterwards (since its at -1).
Burning it runs the risk of facade, something it could totally run since it doesn't have 4mss at all. Between return and one coverage move you have two totally free moveslots to put whatever absolute bullshit you want in. Sub/Bulk up? Sure. Slack off/Taunt? Sure. Ice punch/fire blast? It'll do work. Fucking play rough? Yeah why the fuck not.
If you gave it comatose you couldn't even burn it. Which is ridiculous.
>>34593963Don't even bother with night slash, no good ghost is bulky enough to take an EQ anyway.