>>34588395Still waiting on confirmation on some of my sources but I do have some information that has been consistent among a few of them.
New pokemon with a "special" relation to pikachu will be teased to be revealed in the anime.
After new pokemon debuts in the anime an Oha Suta with more information about the new pokemon will air.
At the end of this Oha Suta a teaser similar to the XY teaser reveal will air with a date(unconfirmed as of now). The international version of this teaser will be released a few hours after the Oha Suta teaser and all will have the same date.
The unconfirmed date in the teaser will be the official announcement of 8th gen with names for the two games and silhouettes of the new starters.
I have some more info but will wait until it gets confirmed by multiple sources.