>>34610398Soaring killed the need of a dedicated flyer for me
OK? I still prefer them to worm hole crap
Yeah because tauros not having a freaking auto run option is so great. Relying on roto powers for breeding sucks compared to o-powers
The battle resort had everything in one spot meaning you didn't have to fly to multiple places all the time
I was talking about being able to choose the music you wanted for hatching. Hatching eggs to wally's theme was bliss. The ride theme in gen 7 sucks.
>While USM had much better shitThese are opinions and not facts below since some of you can't tell.
Not a fan of playing that laggy mess outside of the ribbon and throwing animation
I don't consider most of that "side content" fufiling
Not a fan of that wormhole crap
Oh boy. Uninteresting linear corridors. exciting
Oh boy. this can only be done once and never again.
The same as the original games
Don't care
Which is outright worse than it's original it's based upon and being located in that horrid plaza