>>34627151>Additional 100 Pokemon to the dexall third versions since Plat have upgraded dexes and XY didn't need one anyway so it's SM fault for having such a shit one in comparison, also still no National Dex you have to Pokebank to see it lmao
>5 new pokemona bunch of legendaries, would've much prefered to also get new alolan forms that you actually use ingame, also great more mons with crazy busted stats that definitely helps with the powercreep
The novelty of new Pokemon midgen is cool but heavily misused
>New and modified trials not that different a couple them changed Totem boss and that's it (that little puzzle with Sophocles was actually cool though), and Mina's should've been in SM in the first place (despite being not that great anyway, just go there and fight the previous trail captains that still have only 3 pokemon by the end of the game)
>New locations Yeah adding more empty tunnels definitely improved Alola, oh yeah and more Pikachu/genwun pandering that is essential
>featuresmost of them ended up being dissappointing/complete garbage, they even managed to fuck up Battle Factory, Mantine Surf is the one that stands out but it only took me like 30 minutes to complete, an online leaderboard would've helped
>Difficulty spikes I really enjoyed that but the majority of players are hardly going to notice that much of a change since they're not autists like us that disable every single hand holding feature and play on Set