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Next Nintendo Direct information

No.34631240 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have to share some details I have heard about Pokémon, that is going to be in next Nintendo Direct. Also, I have to say that the logos are a friend's reacreation, these are not real, but are similar.


- These games, Pokémon Amethyst & Pokémon Opal will be released on Holidays 2018.
- These gonna be the next generation (8)
- They are based in some country of Europe, but we don't know if it is Spain yet.
- The mechanics for this new gen is something about combos and double type moves like Grass, Fire, Water pledge and Flying press, that makes double type damage.

This last point have a new special function for Joycon, that for a better experience we will have to play with a second player.

That's all I have. See you next week.