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[14 / 3 / ?]

No.34635954 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, I don't know if I should post this or not as I could get in trouble. But I'll take a chance since I'm pretty sure the information I have isn't something only I have.

Gen 8's intro titles are called Pokemon Clay and Chrome. They take place in Spain and include the northern tip of Morroco.

Apparently there aren't any explicit trainer classes anymore. Each NPC is custom made. However, there are templates. The main difference is that different NPCs wear different clothes, hairstyles, etc.

the promotional material is going to hype up something called shadowy halflight. Seems to be a "night" equilvalent to harsh sunlight. And apparently it powers up certain types.
The promotional material also mentions you also feed your Pokemon.

My personal thoughts are that this sounds like a train wreck. Why introduce a counterpart to Sunny Day a generation after the games with the Sun/Moon motif? How is feeding your Pokemon any different than what we already do in Pokemon Refresh?