>>34646158Ep 41- Prof. Sycamore accompanies Ash and co. to the location of the Kalos Pokemon League. Sycamore gives Ash's some helpful advice on facing an Elite Four Member. Ash tells him about this fight with Agatha back win Viridian City and how she was tough. Sycamore tells him he's grown a lot since then and that you have nothing to worry about.
Ep. 42-43 Filler Episodes of Ash and co. traveling to anime exculsive cities doing stupid sidequest while dropping hints of Serena affection towards Ash and his determination to become the champion of the Kalos Region
Ep. 44 - Ash and co. finally reach the Kalos Pokemon League. We see the beautiful architecture of the beautiful building that houses the Elite Four and Diantha. Just before Ash reaches the building Team Rocket jumps out and blocks their path. Pikachu is about to blast them away but Team Rocket tells them they're only here to support Ash. They tell them, without Ash they would have never go on a journey around the world finding rare Pokemon. Ash agrees and allows Rocket to join them. The episode ends with Ace Trainers asking to see Ash's eight badges and the Kalos league champion ribbon. Ash shows them and the doors to the Pokemon open.
Ep. 45 - Filler episode leading up Ash fighting one the Elite Four members. The gang wish him success and Ash walks into the Elite Four corridor and the door locks behind him.
Ep. 46 - Ash doesn't know who to challenge first and picks a random door and walks in. Ash then sees he's going up against Malva of Team Flare. Ash becomes uncomfortable because she's giving him an evil glare. Ash challenges her to a battle and she accepts. The battle begins and by the end of the episode Malva is able to knock out 2 of Ash's pokemon.
Ep. 47 - Ash is struggling against his battle with Malva. Ash is down to his last Pokemon Greninja. Ash puts his faith in Greninja and he transform into Ash-Greninja. Greninja is able to KO 3 of Malva's Pokemon before fainting due to fatigue.