op here, For example:
Attack: Fire, mega becomes Fire/Fairy
-Decent speed, high physical attack, decent def, mediocre hp
Defense: Fire --> Fire/Electric fully evolved
-Volt Switch and nitrocharge
Utility: Fire/Ice whole line
-Average stats but several buffs available
Attack: Water, mediocre defenses and low hp
-Slow physical attacker with access to water jet
Defense: Water, second evo Water/Dragon
Utility: Water second evo Water/Fighting
-High Hp/SpcD, terrible speed, access to rollout and high horsepower
Attack: Grass/Steel whole line
- Decent speed, high SpA, Chlorophyll
Defense: Grass, Mega makes Grass/Fire
-Physical wall, decent attack
Utility: Grass/Dark whole line
-something between a whimsicott and a venusaur