>>34672695I consider it the worst Gen for many reasons. The low quality of the new Pokemon and inability to catch old Pokemon are certainly among them, but my biggest issue with it is the emphasis upon an incredibly cringeworthy story over the actual gameplay (this board praises 5 for doing this while bashing 7 for doing the exact same thing). I play Pokemon games so I can make pet monsters fight each other, not scroll through endless dialogue about the daddy issues of one-dimensional characters I don't care about at all. Other issues I had with it were the extreme linearity, outright removal of beloved features such as Battle Frontier, extended tutorial segments, endless fucking dialogue, and so on.
Your "criticisms" of Gen 1 are textbook strawmen and nitpicks over non-issues that belong in a cringe compilation, kid. You're screaming about Voltorb and glitches and Genwunner boogeymen instead of addressing Gen 1's real flaws, such as craptacular level-up movepools and the ridiculously bad aspect of game design called the Safari Zone. Furthermore, your predictable little genwun digression, as typical of unovabortions, has absolutely nothing to do with Gen 5 nor does it constitute a defense of it. "Gen 5 is actually good because I don't like Gen 1" is not an argument, this isn't a 2010 facebook debate.
And don't be that kid who defends the ice cream and garbage. They are terrible fucking designs, take your snowflake opinions somewhere else.
i know i probably just bit a shitpost but way too much of this board actually posts idiocy like this unironically